Freedom From Discrimination in the Voter Registration Process
Election Parts
- Discrimination must not be practiced based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity and expression, migrant, refugee, repatriate, stateless or internally displaced status, genetic trait, mental or physical health condition, including infectious contagious condition and debilitating psychological condition, or other status at any time.
- Discrimination means any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, or national or social origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
- All are equal before the law, and laws should be equally enforced.
- Everyone has the right of equal access to any place or service intended for public use.
- Specific measures aimed at ensuring de facto equality for persons with disabilities should not be considered discriminatory.
- The right to vote should not be restricted based on any perceived or actual disability and mental health status, including pursuant to an individualized assessment.