Legal Framework
Electoral System and Boundary Delimitation
Election Management
Voter Registration
Voter Education
Candidacy and Campaigning
The Media
Voting Operations
Vote Counting and Tabulation
Electoral Dispute Resolution
- Genuine Elections That Reflect the Free Expression of the Will of the People
- Right and Opportunity to Vote
- Right and Opportunity to Be Elected
- Right and Opportunity to Participate in Public Affairs
- Freedom of Association
- Freedom of Assembly
- Freedom of Movement
- Freedom of Opinion and Expression
- Transparency and Access to Information
- Right to Security of the Person
- Freedom from Discrimination and Equality Before the Law
- Freedom from Discrimination and Equality Before the Law
- Equality Between Men and Women
- Right to a Fair and Public Hearing
- Right to an Effective Remedy
- Universal Suffrage
- Equal Suffrage
- Secret Ballot
- Periodic Elections
- Prevention of Corruption
- State Must Take Necessary Steps to Give Effect to Rights
- Rule of Law
Carter Center