Election Management
An independent and impartial body charged with implementing elections is an important means of ensuring the integrity of the electoral process. An effective electoral management body (EMB), responsible for implementing much of the electoral process, can enable the participation of voters and protect the democratic process. The EMB can be responsible for, among other things, voter education, voter registration, polling operations, counting and tabulation, and settlement of some electoral disputes. The exact composition and responsibilities of an EMB vary greatly from country to country, and these decisions clearly fall within the margin of appreciation of the state. However, the requirement that the body uphold national law and advance electoral rights is universal.
Relevant Obligations
- Genuine Elections That Reflect the Free Expression of the Will of the People
- Rule of Law
- State Must Take Necessary Steps to Give Effect to Rights
- Freedom from Discrimination and Equality Before the Law
- Equality Between Men and Women
- Right to a Fair and Public Hearing
- Right to an Effective Remedy
- Transparency and Access to Information
- Freedom of Movement
- Right to Security of the Person
- Right and Opportunity to Participate in Public Affairs
- Periodic Elections
- Prevention of Corruption
- Macro-Level Obligation
- Foundational Obligations
- Individual Rights and Freedoms
- Process-Focused Obligations
- The Legal Framework and Election Management
- The Election Calendar and Enjoyment of Rights
- Electoral Management Body Responsibility for Protection of Rights
- Independence and Impartiality of the Electoral Management Body
- States Authorities Responsible for Upholding Rights
- Recruitment of Electoral Management Body Staff
- Training of Electoral Management Body Staff
- Provision of Voter Education by the Electoral Management Body
- Access to Information and Electoral Management Body Documents
- Transparency in Electoral Management Body Decision Making and Procurement
- Anticorruption Policies Within the Electoral Management Body
- Freedom From Discrimination and the Electoral Management Body
The Legal Framework and Election Management
- Key Obligations:
- State Must Take Necessary Steps to Give Effect to Rights
- Rule of Law
The laws regulating elections were equally enforced and were not arbitrarily applied
The legal framework for elections was consistent with international human rights
The authority of the electoral management body was recognized by key stakeholders
- Everyone participating in the election should recognize the authority of the election commission. [?]
The electoral management body acted in conformity with the law
- The election administration body should act in conformity with the law. [?]
The Election Calendar and Enjoyment of Rights
- Key Obligations:
- Periodic Elections
- State Must Take Necessary Steps to Give Effect to Rights
An electoral management body implemented elections with adequate time to implement all parts of the electoral process
- The scheduling of voting processes must allow adequate time to successfully implement other necessary components of the electoral process. [?]
- States must take the steps necessary to give effect to human rights. [?]
- States have a duty to protect the fundamental human rights of all within their jurisdiction. [?]
Electoral Management Body Responsibility for Protection of Rights
- Key Obligations:
- State Must Take Necessary Steps to Give Effect to Rights
The electoral management body took steps to implement an electoral process that fulfilled and protected human rights
- States must take the steps necessary to give effect to human rights. [?]
- All branches of the government and other public or governmental authorities are responsible for meeting the obligation to give effect to human rights. [?]
- States have a duty to protect the fundamental human rights of all within their jurisdiction. [?]
Steps were taken to institutionalize efficient and effective public administration
- States should ensure transparency in the management of public affairs. [?]
- States should take steps to institutionalize good governance through accountable, efficient, and effective public administration. [?]
- Everyone has the right to submit to governmental bodies, agencies, and organizations criticisms and proposals for improving their function. [?]
Independence and Impartiality of the Electoral Management Body
- Key Obligations:
- Freedom from Discrimination and Equality Before the Law
- State Must Take Necessary Steps to Give Effect to Rights
- Prevention of Corruption
There was an independent and impartial electoral management body
- Everyone should have access, free from discrimination, to the public service of the country. [?]
- The bodies appointing members of electoral commissions must not be free to dismiss them at will. [?]
- The state should establish an independent and impartial election body. [?]
- The central election commission should be permanent in nature. [?]
- The impartiality of election management bodies should be ensured at all levels, from the national commission to the polling station. [?]
- The composition of the election commission can vary, but the principles of independence and impartiality should be upheld. [?]
The electoral management body acted impartially in the administration of the election
- Election management bodies should be impartial and should not discriminate in the performance of their public function. [?]
The electoral management body had sufficient resources to implement all phases of the election process
- Sufficient funding and resources should be provided for the conduct of the electoral process, free from interference from any other electoral stakeholders. [?]
States Authorities Responsible for Upholding Rights
- Key Obligations:
- Transparency and Access to Information
An independent, duly-resourced body oversaw compliance with data protection principles
- An independent, duly-resourced body should oversee compliance with data protection principles. [?]
Recruitment of Electoral Management Body Staff
- Key Obligations:
- Freedom from Discrimination and Equality Before the Law
- State Must Take Necessary Steps to Give Effect to Rights
- Rule of Law
- Prevention of Corruption
The recruitment and appointment of electoral management body staff were transparent, efficient, and equitable and instilled public confidence in the body
- Everyone has the right of equal access to any place or service intended for public use. [?]
- Everyone should have access, free from discrimination, to the public service of the country. [?]
- States must take measures to prevent corruption. [?]
- States must ensure transparency, efficiency, and equity in the recruitment of officials. [?]
- Recruitment of election authority staff that is transparent, efficient, and equitable should instill public confidence in the body. [?]
- The bodies appointing members of electoral commissions must not be free to dismiss them at will. [?]
- Election management body personnel should receive adequate training to fulfill their function impartially. [?]
- Sufficient funding and resources should be provided for the conduct of the electoral process, free from interference from any other electoral stakeholders. [?]
- States should take steps to institutionalize good governance through accountable, efficient, and effective public administration. [?]
The appointment to and membership of the electoral management body were regulated by law
Training of Electoral Management Body Staff
- Key Obligations:
- State Must Take Necessary Steps to Give Effect to Rights
Electoral management body personnel received training on the electoral process and international obligations
Provision of Voter Education by the Electoral Management Body
- Key Obligations:
- Transparency and Access to Information
The state took the steps necessary to give effect to rights during voter education
- Media and information literacy education should be promoted to enable individuals to access, understand, and critically analyze information, including online. [?]
Access to Information and Electoral Management Body Documents
- Key Obligations:
- Transparency and Access to Information
- Equality Between Men and Women
The state took steps to ensure de facto equality between men and women
- Collection and publication of gender-disaggregated information around electoral processes contributes to raising awareness and advancement of women's rights. [?]
The electoral management body provided citizens with access to information throughout the electoral process
- Everyone has the right to seek and receive information. [?]
The state proactively put government information of public interest, including electoral information, in the public domain
- States should proactively put in the public domain government information of public interest. [?]
Transparency in Electoral Management Body Decision Making and Procurement
- Key Obligations:
- State Must Take Necessary Steps to Give Effect to Rights
- Right and Opportunity to Participate in Public Affairs
- Transparency and Access to Information
- Prevention of Corruption
The electoral management body ensured transparency in its decision making; for example, through open meetings and the use of public and competitive tenders
- The election management process should be transparent. [?]
- The meetings of election bodies should be open. [?]
- States must take measures to prevent corruption. [?]
- States should promote transparency in public decision making as a means of combating corruption. [?]
- It is desirable that electoral commissions make decisions by a qualified majority or by consensus. [?]
- The participation of observers, citizen and international, may enhance all aspects of the electoral process. [?]
- Observers should be permitted to follow all aspects and stages of an electoral process. [?]
- States should involve civil society organizations and facilitate their effective participation in public decision-making processes. [?]
Anticorruption Policies Within the Electoral Management Body
- Key Obligations:
- Prevention of Corruption
The electoral management body, as an organ of the state, implemented effective policies to discourage acts of corruption
- States must take measures to prevent corruption. [?]
- Electoral legislation should include procedures and a range of penalties aimed at preventing corruption in various sectors. [?]
- Corruption includes the solicitation or acceptance of something of value in exchange for an advantage. [?]
- Corruption includes the offering or granting of something of value in exchange for an act or omission in the performance of a public function. [?]
- Corruption includes fraudulent use or concealment of property derived from corrupt activities. [?]
- Corruption includes participation or conspiracy to commit corrupt activities. [?]
- Corruption includes any act or omission of official functions by a public official to gain illicit benefits. [?]
- Corruption includes the use of state property for purposes other than those for which they were intended for the benefit of the public official or a third party. [?]
- Corruption includes improper influence. [?]
- States should implement or maintain effective policies that encourage public participation in order to discourage corruption. [?]
- States should establish effective laws and mechanisms to facilitate the recovery of illicitly acquired assets and the proceeds of corruption. [?]
Freedom From Discrimination and the Electoral Management Body
- Key Obligations:
- Freedom from Discrimination and Equality Before the Law
- Equality Between Men and Women
The electoral management body treated all citizens equally
- Discrimination must not be practiced based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity and expression, migrant, refugee, repatriate, stateless or internally displaced status, genetic trait, mental or physical health condition, including infectious contagious condition and debilitating psychological condition, or other status at any time. [?]
- Discrimination means any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, or national or social origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. [?]
- Distinctions made on the basis of disabilities are to be considered discrimination. [?]
- Distinctions made on the basis of sexual orientation are to be considered discrimination. [?]
- The state must perform both its "negative duty" to refrain from discrimination and its "positive duty" to prevent discrimination. [?]
- All are equal before the law, and laws should be equally enforced. [?]
- Election management bodies should be impartial and should not discriminate in the performance of their public function. [?]
- Discrimination must not be practiced based on sex. [?]
Access to Electoral Information
- Key Obligations:
- Equality Between Men and Women
The state took steps to ensure de facto equality between men and women
- Collection and publication of gender-disaggregated information around electoral processes contributes to raising awareness and advancement of women's rights. [?]
Special Measures
- Key Obligations:
- Freedom from Discrimination and Equality Before the Law
- Equality Between Men and Women
Special measures were taken to ensure de facto equality for people with disabilities
- Distinctions made on the basis of disabilities are to be considered discrimination. [?]
- Specific measures aimed at ensuring de facto equality for persons with disabilities should not be considered discriminatory. [?]
- Election management bodies should ensure that women and marginalized groups participate in the electoral process. [?]
- Women and girls with disabilities are subject to multiple discrimination. [?]
- Measures to support participation by persons with disabilities should be developped in consultation with the civil society, including disabled persons organizations. [?]
- Measures to promote participation by persons with disabilities may include financial incentives to political parties. [?]
Special measures were taken, as necessary, to promote equality for minorities
- Special measures for advancing ethnic minorities or groups that have suffered past discrimination should be taken when circumstances warrant, but should not be maintained after the objectives for which they were taken are met, and should not result in the maintenance of unequal rights for different groups. [?]
- Special measures to ensure participation and representation of national minorities may include reduced or waived minimum support, deposit, and electoral threshold requirements, and quotas. [?]
- Some measures taken to ensure equitable representation of minority groups should not be considered discriminatory. [?]
The state took steps to ensure de facto equality between men and women
- All are equal before the law, and laws should be equally enforced. [?]
- Women should enjoy equality with men before the law. [?]
- States should take special, temporary measures to achieve de facto equality for women. [?]
- Temporary measures to achieve de facto equality for women may include the use of quotas to ensure their participation or representation. [?]
- Special measures for advancing women where they have suffered past discrimination may include quotas to ensure participation or representation. [?]
- Temporary special measures to achieve de facto equality for women can include financially assisting and training women candidates, amending electoral procedures, developing campaigns directed at equal participation, and targeting women for appointment to public positions, or the use of quotas. [?]
Safety, Security, and the Electoral Management Body
- Key Obligations:
- Right to Security of the Person
The right to security of the person for all citizens (including EMB personnel) was protected throughout the election period
- Everyone has the right to security of the person without arbitrary arrest or detention. [?]
Freedom of Movement for Electoral Management Body Personnel
- Key Obligations:
- Freedom of Movement
Electoral management body staff and officials were able to move freely throughout the country to administer the election and at the same time did not prevent or hinder the free movement of citizens during the election process
- Everyone has the right to freedom of movement within the borders of each state. [?]
Right to an Effective Remedy for Electoral Management Body Actions
- Key Obligations:
- Right to an Effective Remedy
An effective (timely and enforceable) remedy was available for all violations of their fundamental rights
- Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by a competent national tribunal for acts that violate his or her rights or freedoms. [?]
- Individuals must have the right to a remedy for violation of their participatory rights relating to the election process. [?]
- Remedy should be available for complaints arising throughout the electoral process. [?]
- States must enforce a remedy when granted. [?]
- Effective redress requires disputes to be dealt with in a timely manner. [?]
Hearings by Impartial and Independent Tribunals
- Key Obligations:
- Right to a Fair and Public Hearing
Citizens were granted a fair and public hearing by a competent, impartial, and independent tribunal in the determination of their rights
- Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, impartial, and independent tribunal in determination of his/her rights. [?]
- A violation of the right to a fair and public hearing requires an effective remedy. [?]
- The notion of fair trial includes the guarantee of a fair and public hearing. [?]
- A fair trial entails the absence of influence. [?]
- A fair trial is expeditious. [?]
- The right to a public hearing must be protected except for specific and objective reasons as determined by law. [?]
- In the determination of suits at law the independence and impartiality of tribunals is an absolute right. [?]
- Any body that meets the criteria of impartiality and independence can be considered a tribunal. [?]
- A situation in which the executive and the judiciary are not clearly distinguishable is incompatible with the notion of an independent and impartial tribunal. [?]
- Impartiality requires that judges act without bias, and that the tribunal appears unbiased to the reasonable observer. [?]
The tribunal was protected from political influence
- Independence of the judiciary requires proper procedures detailing appointment, term limits, security, and remuneration. [?]
The proceedings of any complaints were transparent, and all parties to the complaint were given an equal opportunity to present evidence
Forum shopping was discouraged
- Appeal channels, when available, should be narrowly constructed to avoid "forum shopping." [?]
Protection of Personal Data
- Key Obligations:
- Transparency and Access to Information
Citizens that offered proof of identity had the right to rectify information about them that was inaccurate
Personal data collected was not used for other purposes
- Personal data should only be collected for specified and legitimate purposes. [?]
Personal data could be collected and processed based on informed consent
- Unless provided for by law, or necessary to deliver a service or for other legitimate purposes, personal information may only be used based on informed consent. [?]
Personal data controllers complied with data minimization, accuracy, confidentiality, integrity, and storage limitation obligations
- Collection of personal data should be minimized, relevant, and limited to purposes pursued. [?]
- Personal data controllers should ensure data accuracy and protect personal data from unauthorized disclosure, loss, modification, or other misuses. [?]
- Personal data should not be stored longer than necessary for the purposes pursued. [?]
An independent, duly-resourced body oversaw compliance with data protection principles
- An independent, duly-resourced body should oversee compliance with data protection principles. [?]
Everyone had the right to know whether information about themselves was processed and to obtain it in an accessible format
- Everyone who offers proof of identity has the right to know whether information concerning him/her is being processed, and to obtain it in an intelligible form. [?]
Personal data controllers provided clear and accessible information about their data collection and processing policies and practices
- Personal data controllers should provide clear and easily accessible information about their data collection and processing policies and practices. [?]