"The participating States will, in implementing the relevant standards and commitments, ensure that the independence of the judiciary is guaranteed and enshrined in the constitution or the law of the country and is respected in practice, paying particular attention to the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, which, inter alia, provide for (i) prohibiting improper influence on judges; (ii) preventing revision of judicial decisions by administrative authorities, except for the rights of the competent authorities to mitigate or commute sentences imposed by judges, in conformity with the law; (iii) protecting the judiciary's freedom of expression and association, subject only to such restrictions as are consistent with its functions; (iv) ensuring that judges are properly qualified, trained and selected on a non-discriminatory basis; (v) guaranteeing tenure and appropriate conditions of service, including on the matter of promotion of judges, where applicable; (vi) respecting conditions of immunity; (vii) ensuring that the disciplining, suspension and removal of judges are determined according to law."
OSCE: Document of the Moscow Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE, para. 19.2

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Document of the Moscow Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE






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