"1. The Parties hereto proceed from the assumption that observance of the principle of secret balloting means exclusion of any control over voters’ expression of will, provision for equal conditions for free choice. 2. The citizens’ right to a secret balloting cannot be limited in any way and by whatsoever. 3. Conducting of elections shall be executed with the use of secret balloting procedure. 4. Electoral bodies are obliged to assure observance of the conditions stipulated by the Constitution, law, other legal acts that exclude the possibility to exert any control or monitoring over filling in the voting paper by the voter in the place of a secret balloting, performance of any actions violating the principle of voter’s secret will expression."
CIS: Convention on the Standards of Democratic Elections, Electoral Rights and Freedoms in the Commonwealth of Independent States, art. 5

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Convention on the Standards of Democratic Elections, Electoral Rights and Freedoms in the Commonwealth of Independent States

