"The disclosure of information identifying a source should not be deemed necessary unless in can be convincingly established that: i. reasonable alternative measures to disclosure do not exist or have been exhausted by the persons or public authorities that seek the disclosure, and ii. the legitimate interest in that disclosure clearly outweighs the public interest in the non-disclosure, bearing in mind that: an overriding requirement of the need for disclosure is proved, the circumstances are of a sufficiently vital and serious nature, the necessity of the disclosure is identified as responding to a pressing social need, and member states enjoy a certain margin of appreciation in assessing this need, but this margin does hand in hand with the supervision by the European Court of Human Rights."
CoE (Committee of Ministers): Recommendation No. R(2000)7 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on the Right of Journalists Not to Disclose Their Sources of Information, principle 3(b)

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Recommendation No. R(2000)7 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on the Right of Journalists Not to Disclose Their Sources of Information


