"A further variable affecting the make-up of electoral systems is the number of rounds of voting. Most ballots consist of one or two rounds but there are also systems with n rounds. a. Single-round ballots: these can be used not only in proportional representation systems but also in first-past-the-post systems. This type of ballot generally leads to a bipolarisation of political life (Duverger’s Law) or at least to the conclusion of pre-electoral agreements between large and small parties. Moreover, opting for a single round ballot magnifies, virtually systematically, the dominance of the majority party in terms of votes and under-representation of other parties in the assemblies. This trend is even more marked where there is a multi-member ballot. "
CoE (Venice Commission): Report on Electoral Systems - Overview of available solutions and selection criteria, para. 46.a

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Report on Electoral Systems - Overview of available solutions and selection criteria


