"In view of the foregoing, the Committee of Ministers: (...) - acknowledges the necessity to consider the growing responsibilities of those internet intermediaries, notably online platforms, which through their wide geographical reach and user engagement act as main gateways for news dissemination and generate important revenue from online news. Their active role in providing services of public value and their influence in the media ecosystem should be accompanied by public interest responsibilities developed through self-regulatory mechanisms or other appropriate and proportionate regulatory or co-regulatory frameworks, aimed to ensure, inter alia that: a) With due regard to their status as important sources of information and communication, the intermediaries’ criteria by which they curate, categorise and rank online content and thus influence, through automated or human-directed processes, the visibility, accessibility and promotion of news and other journalistic publications, are transparent and applied in line with freedom of expression principles, notably the right to receive and impart information."
CoE (Committee of Ministers): Declaration by the Committee of Ministers on the Financial Sustainability of Quality Journalism in the Digital Age, para. 12.a

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Declaration by the Committee of Ministers on the Financial Sustainability of Quality Journalism in the Digital Age



