"The Committee recommends that States parties: Ensure that new constitutions provide for temporary special measures, apply to citizens and non-citizens, and guarantee that women’s human rights are not subject to derogation in states of emergency.
UN (CEDAW): General Recommendation No. 30 on Women in Conflict Prevention, Conflict and Post-conflict Situations, pg.20, para. IV.B.9.73.cSummaries
- States should take special, temporary measures to achieve de facto equality for women.
- Temporary measures to achieve de facto equality for women may include the use of quotas to ensure their participation or representation.
- Derogation measures cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or social origin.
- Limitations must respect the non-derogable nature of certain rights and may not undermine the exercise of rights protected by other international obligations of the state.
- Derogation measures must be justified by law and subject to review.
- Temporary special measures to achieve de facto equality for women can include financially assisting and training women candidates, amending electoral procedures, developing campaigns directed at equal participation, and targeting women for appointment to public positions, or the use of quotas.