"The Committee recommends that States parties: (e) Ensure the registration and voting of women voters, such as by allowing postal balloting, where appropriate, and removing all barriers, including by ensuring an adequate and accessible number of polling stations.
UN (CEDAW): General Recommendation No. 30 on Women in Conflict Prevention, Conflict and Post-conflict Situations, pg.20, para. IV.B.9.73.eSummaries
- Every citizen has the right to vote.
- Election management bodies should ensure that women and marginalized groups participate in the electoral process.
- Measures should be taken to ensure that women understand their right to vote.
- The voter registration system should be carefully tailored to ensure that cultural factors affecting women (name changes with marriage) do not result in disenfranchisement.
- There should be enough polling places to accommodate the number of voters.
- Methods to facilitate voting may include postal voting.