"In general terms, Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 does not provide for the implementation by Contracting States of measures to allow expatriates to exercise their right to vote from their place of residence. Nevertheless, since the presumption in a democratic State must be in favour of inclusion (see Hirst, cited above, § 59), such measures are consonant with that provision. The question is, however, whether Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 goes so far as to require them to be taken. In answering that question, Article 3 should be interpreted with reference to the relevant international and comparative law (see Yumak and Sadak, cited above, § 127, and Demir and Baykara v. Turkey [GC], no. 34503/97, §§ 76 and 85, ECHR 2008) and to the domestic law of the country concerned. "
CoE (ECHR): Case of Sitaropoulos and Giakoumopoulos v. Greece, para. 71

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