444 Results
Quotes based on international documents, law, and treaties- "States should: ii. consider the possibility of introducing rules limiting the value of donations to political parties."
- "States should: iii. adopt measures to prevent established ceilings from being circumvented."
- "The ideal requirements for political finance regulation in post-conflict societies listed below should be viewed as goals for the international community to achieve given the challenging constraints in which they are operating. There are three key requirements in the areas of legal framework, resources for political actors and institutions...1. A legal framework for political finance regulation—contained in the electoral law, the political parties law or a separate political finance law—should include: Realistic limitations on monetary and non-monetary contributions from private sources for political activity, probably with a relatively high limit on the size of donations."
- "Limits on campaign spending may be necessary to prevent a disproportionate or one-sided campaign, but should not be so strict as to prevent effective campaigning."
- "Where there are provisions in the legal framework for elections relating to private contributions to campaign expenses incurred on behalf of parties and candidates, these should be so designed as to ensure equality of freedom to raise private funds. Furthermore, these provisions may include limits on contributions in order to 'level the playing field' to a reasonable degree, taking into account geographic, demographic and material costs."
- "Although the legal framework should permit private funding of political campaigns, reasonable limitations on the amount of private contributions are permissible. What is reasonable depends on the type of election and factors unique to the particular country, such as geography, demographics, and relative costs of media and other campaign materials. It is also acceptable to limit the total amount of expenditures of the electoral contestants in a given campaign. Although the legal framework should permit electoral contestants to expend sufficient resources to convey a political message, there is no minimum standard that requires that electoral contestants be given an opportunity to buy an election."
- "States should consider introducing rules which limit the value of donations to political parties and candidates."
- "A party may receive donations within the limits of domestic law, which may prohibit donations from certain sources. By no means may parties interpret private donations as granting any possibility to influence and/or alter the party programme and/or party policies. Parties must adhere to laws that require disclosing the origin of private donations to parties."
- "Limitations on the amount of private contributions may consist of a maximum threshold on the amount of money that may be accepted from a single source, whereby different ceilings may apply for different types of donors."
- "Other limitations may also be envisaged. Such may consist notably of: a maximum level for each contribution."
- "Restrictions may also consist of a limit on the total sum of acceptable private contributions."
- "Private contributions can be made for campaign expenses, but the total amount of such contributions should not exceed the stated ceiling. Contributions from foreign States or enterprises must be prohibited. This prohibition should not prevent financial contributions from nationals living abroad."
- "Legislation should prohibit donations in cash, especially donations exceeding the legal threshold, and should require that these be made by cheque or bank transfer in order to identify the donor entity."
- "States should consider the introduction of rules which define or set limits on the acceptable sources of donations to political parties and candidates."
- "Prohibit anonymous donations or bequests to political groupings at regional level, taking care to stipulate amounts in excess of which anonymity is incompatible with transparency."
- "In general, states should take measures aimed at limiting, prohibiting or otherwise strictly regulating donations from: anonymous sources."
- "States should adopt provisions which regulate anonymous donations to parties. Anonymous donations should be limited or prohibited."
- "Therefore, a maximum ceiling should be set on both the amount of anonymous donations parties may receive from a single source and on the total amount of anonymous donations a party or candidate may receive in a given year or for a particular election campaign."
- "It is also advisable that provisions regarding anonymous donations be such that the administrative burdens of parties are kept proportionate by excluding low-value donations from the obligation to refuse anonymous donations."
- "Measures taken by states governing donations to political parties should provide specific rules to... avoid conflicts of interests."
- "Measures taken by states governing donations to parties should provide specific rules to avoid conflicts of interests, avoid prejudice to the activities of political parties, ensure transparency of donations and avoid secret donations."
- "Measures taken by states governing donations to political parties should provide specific rules to... ensure transparency of donations and avoid secret donations."
- "States should: i. provide that donations to political parties are made public, in particular, donations exceeding a fixed ceiling."
- "The transparency of private financing of each party should be guaranteed. In achieving this aim, each party should make public each year the annual accounts of the previous year, which should incorporate a list of all donations other than membership fees. All donations exceeding an amount fixed by the legislator must be recorded and made public."
- "Measures taken by states governing donations to political parties should provide specific rules to...avoid prejudice to the activities of political parties."
- "Measures taken by states governing donations to political parties should provide specific rules to... ensure the independence of political parties."
- "Laws governing the internal resources of parties should avoid interfering unnecessarily with the independence of political parties."
- "Public law should be tailored such that it does not endanger the autonomy of political parties and that it ensures their independence."
- "As a rule, public laws should be, and in practice have been, framed fairly liberally, prohibiting or restricting only those forms of fundraising which have no real connection with a party’s raison d’être."
- "States should take measures aimed at limiting, prohibiting or otherwise strictly regulating donations from legal entities which provide goods or services for any public administration."
- "States should prohibit legal entities under the control of the state or of other public authorities from making donations to political parties."
- "In general, states should take measures aimed at limiting, prohibiting or otherwise strictly regulating donations from: corporate entities/business enterprises, legal entities which provide goods or services for any branch of the public administration."
- "Other limitations may also be envisaged. Such may consist notably of a prohibition of contributions from enterprises of an industrial or commercial nature or religious organisations."
- "Any foreign donations, inclusive of those from foreign physical and legal entities, for candidates, political parties (coalitions), participating in elections, or to other public unions and organizations, which directly or indirectly, or in another manner relate to or are under a direct influence of control of the candidate, political party (coalition), and facilitate or contribute to accomplishment of goals of the political party (coalition) are not allowed."
- "States should specifically limit, prohibit or otherwise regulate donations from foreign donors."
- "Reasonable restrictions on campaign funding can include limits on funding from foreign or anonymous sources."
- "In general, states should take measures aimed at limiting, prohibiting or otherwise strictly regulating donations from: corporate entities/business enterprises; individuals, public or private legal entities of foreign nationality."
- "The legal framework of party financing should specifically limit, prohibit or otherwise regulate contributions from foreign donors."
- "Political parties may receive private financial donations. Donations from foreign States or enterprises must however be prohibited. This prohibition should not prevent financial donations from nationals living abroad."
- "Rules concerning donations to political parties, with the exception of those concerning tax deductibility referred to in Article 4, should also apply, as appropriate, to all entities which are related, directly or indirectly, to a political party or are otherwise under the control of a political party."
- "Rules concerning donations to political parties should also apply to all levels of the party organisation and to all entities which are related, directly or indirectly, to a political party or are otherwise under its control."
- "The following conditions should exist in a country holding an election: no unreasonable limitations placed on a citizen's ability to participate in the political process… and respect for the rights of freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of assembly for a period adequate to allow political organizing and campaigning and to inform citizens about the candidates and issues."
- "States parties condemn all propaganda and all organizations which are based on ideas or theories of superiority of one race or group of persons on one color or ethnic origin, or which attempt to justify or promote racial hatred and discrimination in any form, and undertake to adopt immediate and positive measures designed to eradicate all incitement to, or acts of, such discrimination and, to this end, with due regard to the principles embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the rights expressly set forth in article 5 of this Convention, inter alia: (a) Shall declare an offence punishable by law all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination, as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another color or ethnic origin, and also provision of any assistance to racist activities including the financing thereof."
- "Any propaganda for war and any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitute incitements to lawless violence or to any other similar action against any person or group of persons on any grounds including those of race, colour, religion, language or national origin shall be considered offences punishable by law."
- "All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination."
- "Media regulations should provide safeguards against political censorship, unfair government advantage and unequal access during the campaign period."
- "Equality of opportunity must be guaranteed for parties and candidates alike. This entails a neutral attitude by state authorities, in particular with regard to: ii. coverage by the media, in particular by the publicly owned media."
- "The legislative framework for elections should ensure that all political parties and candidates have access to the media and equitable treatment in media owned or controlled by the state, so that the general public can be informed of the political platforms, views and goals of all parties and candidates in a fair and unbiased manner."
- "Political parties and candidates should be provided access to media and equal treatment in media owned or controlled by the state so that voters can be informed of political platforms, views, and goals in a fair and unbiased manner. This covers all forms of the media, including radio, television, newspapers, and evolving forms of media such as the Internet."
- "The participating States reaffirm that freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and a basic component of a democratic society. In this respect, independent and pluralistic media are essential to a free and open society and accountable systems of government. They take as their guiding principle that they will safeguard this right."