Transparency requires that electoral registers be public documents available for review.
Election Parts
- Transparency requires that voter registers be public documents that can be monitored and made available for inspection at no cost to the requester. The legal framework should clearly specify who may inspect voter registers, how the inspection will take place, and the period when voter registers are available for public inspection.
- Fulfilment of the following criteria is essential if electoral registers are to be reliable: iii. electoral registers must be public
- Voter lists should be current, accurate, complete, easily accessible for inspection by qualified voters and – subject to the protection of personal information – possibly by others (such as election contestants and scientific researchers) with a legitimate reason to access them.
- Transparency requires that voter registers must be public documents that are available for inspection, without cost to the requester. The legal framework should clearly specify who may inspect, how the inspection will occur, and during what periods voter registers are available for public inspection.
- [E]lectoral registers must be published;
- The authorities should ensure that the preliminary and final voter registers are published and that copies are available for public inspection to allow checks for inaccuracies and omissions. Political parties, in particular, should have an opportunity to access the full voter register.
- No matter what system is employed for creating and maintaining a voter list, it is necessary for the system to be transparent and open to verification by voters, political contestants, and election observers.