The legislative calendar related to the development of electoral laws should be published well in advance of deadlines.
Election Parts
- When electoral related laws are to be developed or modified through regular legislative procedures, publishing the legislative calendar well in advance is important for providing extra-parliamentary political parties, civil society organizations and individual citizens an opportunity to prepare and represent their interests in the process.
- Electoral legislation should be enacted sufficiently in advance of elections to enable voters and all participants in the process – including election-administration bodies, candidates, parties and the media – to become informed of the rules. Electoral legislation enacted at the “last minute” has the potential to undermine trust in the process and diminish the opportunity for political participants and voters to become familiar with the rules of the electoral process in a timely manner.
- Ideally, the legal framework should ensure that people or institutions establishing the boundaries of constituencies are neutral, independent and impartial. The legal framework needs to also provide for maximum public input and participation in the process.