Remedies for inadequate voter registration requires that disenfranchisement be corrected and ineligible people be prevented from voting.
Election Parts
- The submission of a request for registration of a candidacy is not a remedy, because its purpose is not to establish whether there has been a violation of the human rights established in the American Convention and, if applicable, provide the necessary remedy.
- Voter registration requires remedies that correct disenfranchisement or that prevent voting by ineligible people.
- Fulfilment of the following criteria is essential if electoral registers are to be reliable: v. a similar procedure should allow voters to have incorrect inscriptions amended within a reasonable time.
- If the electoral law provisions are to be more than just words on a page, failure to comply with the electoral law must be open to challenge before an appeal body. This applies in particular to the election results: individual citizens may challenge them on the grounds of irregularities in the voting procedures. It also applies to decisions taken before the elections, especially in connection with the right to vote, electoral registers and standing for election, the validity of candidatures, compliance with the rules governing the electoral campaign and access to the media or to party funding.
- There should be effective administrative or judicial procedures that provide stakeholders with the opportunity to challenge irregularities in the voter register, including the exclusion of eligible electors, to correct errors in the register or to seek the removal of any ineligible persons.