"Regulations may limit the overall monetary contribution an individual or a legal entity may make to a candidate/party (quantitative restrictions). Additionally, regulations may prohibit contributions from certain sources, such as foreign persons or organizations, legal entities, state bodies or public enterprises, or anonymous donations (qualitative restrictions)."
- States should regulate funding by foreign donors, but should not limit contributions by nationals living abroad.
- Reasonable limitations may be placed on private funding contributions to level the playing field during campaign activities.
- Limits on private contributions may consist of a maximum threshold on the amount of money that may be accepted from a single source.
- Limits on private contributions may consist of a limit on the total sum of acceptable private donations.
- States should consider introducing rules which define acceptable sources of donations to political parties and/or candidates.
- States should consider limiting or prohibiting donations from anonymous sources.
- No party may receive clandestine or fraudulently obtained financial aid.