Freedom From Discrimination and the Media
Election Parts
- The media took steps to reach all segments of society, including those who speak minority languages or live in rural areas
- News coverage of incumbents in the public media was not abused so that it constituted additional free airtime or print coverage
- The regulation of the media promoted equality and absence of discrimination
- Political parties and candidates had access to the public media on a nondiscriminatory basis
- Female and male candidates received equal coverage
- Political parties and candidates must have access to the public media on a non-discriminatory basis.
- The state must perform both its "negative duty" to refrain from discrimination and its "positive duty" to prevent discrimination.
- Everyone has the right of equal access to any place or service intended for public use.
- News coverage of incumbents in public media during electoral campaigns is permitted, but should not be abused, constituting additional free airtime or print coverage.
- Distinctions made on the basis of disabilities are to be considered discrimination.
- All are equal before the law, and laws should be equally enforced.
- If offered, free airtime should be distributed equally.
- Discrimination must not be practiced based on sex.
- Media outlets should take steps to provide access to marginalized groups. This may include the consideration of transmitting in minority languages and assuring broad coverage of rural areas.
- Access to the media should be guaranteed to all political parties and candidates and be fairly distributed.
- Internet intermediaries should recognize and protect human rights online, including through accessible and effective complaint and redress mechanisms.
- If private media accepts paid advertising, the costs and conditions for advertising should be equally applied to all candidates.
- Distinctions made on the basis of sexual orientation are to be considered discrimination.
- Equality refers not only to the amount of space provided but to the timing and location of such space.
- Women candidates should receive equal coverage to their male counterparts.
- Discrimination means any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, or national or social origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
- Discrimination must not be practiced based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity and expression, migrant, refugee, repatriate, stateless or internally displaced status, genetic trait, mental or physical health condition, including infectious contagious condition and debilitating psychological condition, or other status at any time.